Henry Cavill on 19-year-old Tara King: She protects me & is protective of me

Posted by Lashay Rain on Sunday, May 12, 2024


Henry Cavill has a 19-year-old college freshman girlfriend named Tara King. They met last fall, and he’s been openly dating her ever since. She misses school all the time to accompany Henry to various events, and he hasn’t been shy about posing with her on red carpets and at various events. Just this week, Tara was one of his dates at the London premiere of Batman v. Superman. Henry has been talking about her in interviews too, justifying their relationship with a shrug and “I was going out with a 32-year-old when I was 19 too” basically. Well, Henry was asked about Tara again while he was being interviewed by the Daily Mirror. And his answers… well, you can read the full piece here. Some highlights:

On Tara King: “She protects me and is protective of me when I am having a hard time. She’s there when I need looking after and the world is a little too heavy. Then she will happily take that weight for me and make sure that I am OK.”

How she treats him: “Tara allows me to be me and she doesn’t have a problem with that. She treats me like a normal human being.”

Proving his a real actor: “I need to prove I am a serious actor by playing roles that show that. But there are still people who I won’t win over and will always call me just a pretty face.”

He loves to pamper himself: “I tend to treat myself rather luxuriously and I will disappear for two weeks on a private yacht. That is when I truly relax… enjoying the wonderment of being on a private snazzy yacht and getting to swim in the sea every morning.”

The James Bond rumors: “If Bond were to come about, it’s a role I would relish playing.”

[From The Daily Mirror]

“She protects me and is protective of me when I am having a hard time…” If this was a sentiment about a relationship of two equal partners, I would have no problem with it. Like, if Tom Hanks said this about Rita Wilson, I would find it sweet. But there is such an inherent inequality in Tara and Henry’s relationship, the whole idea of Tara-as-protector makes me feel sorry for her. It makes me think that he’s an immature man-child who dumps all of his bulls—t on his teenage girlfriend and expects her to have the emotional maturity to deal with it and take the weight off his shoulders. Did you have the emotional maturity to deal with a 32-year-old dude’s bulls—t when you were 19? I did not.

Photos courtesy of Getty, Fame/Flynet and WENN.
