Donald Trump served cold fast food to the Clemson Tigers at the White House

Posted by Valeria Galgano on Monday, May 13, 2024

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If I had to host a large group of mostly younger dudes for some kind of reception and I was deathly afraid of cooking, I would probably just order up dozens of pizzas and wings and maybe two dozen foot-long sub sandwiches and call it a day. But not Donald Trump. Because of the shutdown, the White House kitchen is not fully staffed, so there wasn’t anyone around to cook anything for the White House reception for the Clemson Tigers. The Clemson Tigers won the NCAA championship, and that’s why they were invited to the White House (despite the fact that most sports teams have spurned WH invites during this administration). So what did Trump do when he learned that he would have to feed a football team and their guests? Did he order Melania to get her lazy trophy-wife ass into the kitchen to make some sandwiches? No, of course not. He had staff go to Burger King, Wendy’s, McDonald’s and Dominos and he served all of that sh-t in the boxes and wrappers from which they came. He did have them “presented” on silver platters though.

President Donald Trump welcomed the NCAA champion Clemson Tigers football team to the White House Monday with a shutdown smorgasbord of fast food offerings he called “great American food,” including piles of pizza and fries and more than 300 burgers.

“Because of the shutdown, as you know, we have the great Clemson team with us, so we went out and ordered American fast food paid for by me,” the president said in the East Room, standing behind a table loaded with offerings from McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Burger King and Dominos served on silver platters, behind a gilded candelabra.

The president’s decision to spring for the event came because much of the residence staff at the White House is furloughed during the shutdown, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement before the event began. Ahead of the event, Trump told reporters he thought the selection would be a success because the team featured “very large people that like eating.”

[From NBC News]

The photos from this event are… interesting, I guess. What I keep thinking about is how McNuggets are good when you first get them, but they suck when they’re cold and they can’t really be reheated. It’s the same for a lot of fast food: Trump served these poor college students cold French fries and cold burgers and cold fish sandwiches. Gross. (Also: no Taco Bell huh.)

WATCH: President Trump hosted the Clemson Tigers at the White House to celebrate their national championship.

The president provided the team with a fast-food feast, which he said he paid for himself.

— NBC News (@NBCNews) January 15, 2019

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